BOGUE PROFUMO: Cologne Reloaded (noble guy) – ENG
Antonio have somewhere discovered some very old cologne bases in good condition and decided to revive the original old school perfumery. With a subtle addition of few a tad more modern ingredients he have created the Cologne Reloaded, second to none. The name might fool you – it’s rather Cologne Loaded instead.
It starts off by a strident punch of citruses and birch tar. Their pungency tempers down soon, like would one expect from cologne. Yes – the eau de cologne based on a birch tar is unusual and new (at least to me) and yes – it works brilliantly. As soon as the first phase of the Cologne Reloaded passes, another ingredients get in to mingle with the main smoky tint. I don’t know what materials Antonio used, but he somehow managed to alter the usual leathery impression of birch tar into an entirely new meaning.
Cologne Realoaded smells like some noble guy from 19th century, who just returned from visiting his rustic mansion, that left him with the hints of smoke, saddlery and fresh air and blended them with the nice simple cologne he used in the morning. It’s genuine, original and splendid.